660.947.2506 knight@nemr.net

Rural Living in North Missouri …including Lake Thunderhead!

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Serving the Putnam County area since 1977, we are still committed to the same policies that have made us a leader in Putnam County real estate sales.  These policies include making sure that we are fair to both buyers and sellers at all times, providing all the service that you expect from real estate professionals, and going the extra mile to help our clients and customers achieve their goals.

We work with all the real estate companies in the county to assure you that if a property is for sale in the Putnam County area, you can buy it through Gary Knight Real Estate, LLC. We can assist you in finding the property that is right for you and can help you to obtain the financing that will allow you to fulfill your dream.

Gary Knight Real Estate, LLC

1613 Grant Street, Unionville, MO 63565
Ami Hartwig, Broker/Owner; Licensed in Missouri
Office: 600.947.2506
Gary Knight, Broker — cell: 600.216.4506